Payment Center


A man who strives to improve himself can also improve his community and the world at large. This is the mission of the Masons of California. Through Masonic principles and tradition, we foster personal growth and improve the lives of others.

Support and Donate to our Foundations

Take a moment to participate in providing your contribution to our permanent Lodge Endowment Funds.

Scholarship Fund (Tax Deductible)

Building Endowment Fund

Annual Dues:

Please note that you will be charged an additional convenience fee by choosing the option to pay via credit card, debit card, or PayPal transaction.

Dues payment for:

Account (shown on Dues Notice)

Member Name

Application Fees:

To submit payment online for an Application, please obtain an authorization code from the Lodge Secretary or Membership Chairman.

New Member Annual Dues:

Please note that you will be charged an additional convenience fee by choosing the option to pay via credit card, debit card, or PayPal transaction.

Annual Lodge Membership Dues (NEW MEMBERS)
Lodge Member’s Full Name
Lodge Member’s Email address