Or...direct your inquiry to the following:

Membership Inquiry
Are you interested in learning more about Los Angeles Harbor Lodge? Do you have questions about Freemasonry?

Lodge Secretary
Do you need to contact the Lodge Secretary about a member? Do you have a question about your membership? Do you need to change your contact information? Do you need to send a message to the Lodge?
Mailing Address:
PO Box 708
San Pedro, California 90733-0708

San Pedro Eastern Star
Do you need to contact the Chapter Secretary about a member? Do you have a question about your membership? Do you need to change your contact information? Do you need to send a message to the Chapter?

San Pedro Job’s Daughters
Do you need to contact the Bethel Guardian about a member? Do you have a question about membership? Do you need to change your contact information? Do you need to send a message to the Bethel?

San Pedro DeMolay
Do you need to contact the Chapter Advisor about a member? Do you have a question about membership? Do you need to change your contact information? Do you need to send a message to the Chapter?

Beach Cities Shrine Club
Do you need to contact the Club about a member? Do you have a question about membership? Do you need to change your contact information? Do you need to send a message to the Club?